Whatever Happened to “Everyone In”?

homeless man on steps

For members of the rough sleeping community in the UK, a remarkable thing happened in Spring 2020. Every single individual that could be contacted was offered accommodation. Hotels deprived of their regular customers (due to Coronavirus Pandemic restrictions) opened their doors to homeless people.

Public Health Initiative

The ‘everyone in’ policy was a public health initiative aimed at reducing the spread of Coronavirus in the homeless population, and was rightly lauded in the press and by campaigners as a success. 

Brutal Second Wave

Fast forward to the present day: it’s winter 2021, and the UK is in its third national lockdown amidst the long peak of a brutal second wave of the pandemic. But the measures put in place for homeless people this time round fall far short of the groundbreaking initiative that housed 15,000 homeless people for three months last year.

More of the Usual Medicine

The measures amount to more of the usual medicine - a trickle of extra cash to Local Authorities that winds its way down to well-meaning charities with the expectation that they will sort out the problem. If this model worked then we would have solved homelessness decades ago.

Complete Solution to Homelessness

At Kanndoo, we have a complete solution to homelessness ready to roll. We utilise our digital technology to ease the plight of homeless people and our housing and employment schemes to help them leave the streets and enter the labour force. Where Local Authorities want to see a real difference, they should choose to work with us.

For more information about our services, check out the Solutions pages of our website.